• Understand


    Understand the technologies, potential impacts, advances to know what IA really is

  • Prepare


    Create your own vision to imagine what IA can do for you and your organization

  • Leverage


    Take advantage of what IA can do for you and leverage your career or your business.

  • Protect


    Protect yourself from potential IA threats.

What bots are

How to create a photorealistic image in Midjourney ?

To create a photorealistic image in Midjourney, you need to...

1. Use the latest version of Midjourney, which is v5.

2. Use a long and descriptive prompt that includes specific details about the image you want to create, such as the subject matter, lighting, composition, and camera settings.

3. Use the `--testp` flag to put Midjourney into photorealism mode.

4. Experiment with different prompt variations to see what works best.

Here are some additional tips for creating photorealistic images in Midjourney:

  • Use photography-specific terms and phrases in your prompts. For example, instead of saying "a picture of a cat," say "a close-up portrait of a tabby cat sitting on a windowsill in natural light."
  • Specify the aspect ratio of the image you want to create. This will help Midjourney to generate a more realistic image.
  • Specify the camera model and lens type in your prompt. This will help Midjourney to generate an image with the correct perspective and depth of field.
  • Use keywords such as "candid," "personal," and "4k" to create a more natural and authentic look.
  • Use a wide aperture setting, such as f/1.2, to create a blurry background and make the subject stand out.

Here are some examples of photorealistic Midjourney prompts:

  • A 6:9 portrait of a young woman sitting on a wooden bench in a sunlit park, shot with an 85mm lens and soft lighting.
  • A close-up photo of a guitarist playing on a vibrant stage, shot with a 50mm lens and dramatic lighting.
  • A wide-angle landscape photo of a dense forest with a canopy, shot with an 18mm lens and natural light.
  • A macro photo of a cascading waterfall in the heart of the Alps, shot with a 100mm lens and film light.

It is important to note that Midjourney is still under development, and generating photorealistic images can be challenging. However, by following the tips above, you can increase your chances of success.